Why Team Building?
There is a direct correlation between harmony and productivity. According to Daniel Goleman in Primal Leadership (2002): ‘Feeling good about working for a company accounts for 20 to 30 percent of business performance.’ For every 1% improvement in the service climate, there's a 2% increase in revenue.
Most normal programs get people to apply the principles of effective task process, Teambuilding program breaks down physical and mental barriers to enable people to feel for one another which make the Mind, Body and Souls to work harmoniously resulting in the enhancement of Quality and Speed of decision-making. It is not just a program for the general staff but the Top Management as well.
​The key objectives of the programme are as follows:
Balance between the harmonious relationship at work place with bottom line results
Breaking down physical & mental barriers.
Inculcate inspirational leadership quality in an organization
Enable cohesive natural team bonding
Identify and put in place feasible action steps for goals accomplishment
Foster & secure employees commitment towards achieving corporate goals
This 2 day practical, fun and meaningful workshop will assist managers, executives and even non-executives use the power of team to improve your organization’s performance. Some of the benefits the participant will acquire from this workshop include:
High level of mutual trust
Improve mutual understanding and respect within teams and amongst teams
Increase the sense of pride of work
Better coordination and cooperation in daily work
Build better relationship with employers, employees and customers.
Resolve team issues and manage conflict productively
Eliminate blind spots
Break outdated thinking paradigms
Programme Outline
Day 1
Module 1: Team Building Principles
Ice breaker : Getting to know one another better
Guiding Principles on team building
Defining team and teambuilding concepts
Assessing the strength of team spirit in your organization
Illustration of world class organization who make teambuilding work
Module 2: Effective Team Building
Secrets of effective teams
Tell tale signs of Ineffective teams
Understanding roles of team members
Developing self managing teams
Outdoor Games: Effective and ineffective teams in action
Module 3: Addressing Key Issues Facing Teams
Diagnosing team issues and challenges facing your organization.
Team Exercise 1 : What my company is providing my team
Team Exercise 2 : What else can my team do for my company
Team Exercise 3: What do my team need from my company
Assessing the missing links in your organization.
Day 2
Module 4: Team Building In Action
How to build commitment in teams
Developing team vision
Effective team communication in action
Outdoor: Teambuilding Games
Module 5: Resolving Team Conflict
Addressing grievance of team members
Resolving conflict between team members
Developing counseling skills for team leaders
Effective communication for teams
Module 6: Developing Team Action Plans
Addressing team issues
Assessing the resistance in teams
Developing action plans
Presentation on action plans by teams
A Personal Pledge Of Cooperation By Team Members
The Team Building Manual
All course participants will receive a set of valuable workshop materials which:
Provides a framework and guiding principles for teambuilding
Gives practical exercise of team work issues in organization
Provide case illustration and studies of successful team in actions
Identifies team issues of organization and provides suggested solutions
Provide fun, relevant and meaningful team games.
Note: This is an example only. All programmes will be specially customised to meet the unique needs of our clients

| p: +603-9074-1129 | f: +603-9074-2667