The ability of its people to learn and grow is the ultimate edge an organisation can have over its competitors. Many organisations have not fully utilise their key assets in human resource because they have not leverage on the new learning technologies that enable people to fully maximise their learning potential and hence produce the level of performance they require. To enable organisations to break away from the outdated, ingrained and authoritarian approach in achieving organisational results, they need to implement a new method to increase organisational performance. They can do this through developing a learning organisation that is conducive for personal growth as well as organisational growth and higher performance.
This dynamic and hands-on 2-day workshop will help top leaders and senior executives to:
Develop fundamental learning capabilities
Manage mental models to maximise performance
Unleash the power of team learning to achieve super results
Learn about creative approaches in solving problems
Understand the latest models on the psychology of learning
Leverage on IQ and EQ to increase productivity
Maximise your return from training and seminars
Utilise the learning tools to change your organisation
This 2-day practical, intensive and comprehensive workshop will enable you in:
Uunderstanding the learning approaches in achieving peak performance
Maximising your return from human resources through your investment in training
Manage mental models of people to achieve maximum performance
Unleashing the creativity power within you and your team of people in solving problems
Learning how to teach smart people to learn and grow
Utilising team learning to achieve higher productivity and improved results
Programme Outline
Day 1
Module 1: Understanding The Learning Organisation
Defining The Learning Organisation
Identifying Organisation Learning Disabilities
Uncovering The Laws Of The Fifth Discipline
Identifying Learning Practices That Retard Progress
Case Study: A Learning Organisation In Action
Module 2: Assessing Learning Abilities
Overview Of Learning Theories
The Psychology Of Learning And The Individual
How Super Learners Master Knowledge And Skills Faster
The Power Of Team Learning
Exercise On Capitalisng On Strengths From Within
Day 2
Module 3: Critical Power Tools For Learning Organisation
Utilising SMART Learning Tools
How To Use Creative Problem Solving Approach To Achieve Super solutions
Assimilating The Superlearning Approach
Using The Learning Curve For Peak Performance
Maximising Results Through IQ/EQ Leverage
Module 4: Developing The Learning Organisation
Inculcating A Culture Of Learning And Growing
How to Implement The Learning Organisation
Asian and International Case Studies of Successful Learning Organisations
Redefining Roles And Strategies For Leaders And Managers Of Learning Organisations
Transforming The Organisation
The Learning Organisation Manual
All course participants will receive a set of valuable workshop materials which:
Provides real case studies of learning organisations
Gives practical exercises of the art of the learning organisation in action
Provides team learning exercises to reinforce the essential lessons on learning organisation
Provide the critical tools to help develop a learning organisation environment

Note: This is an example only. All programmes will be specially customised to meet the unique needs of our clients

| p: +603-9074-1129 | f: +603-9074-2667